Hello! I'm a Holistic Nutrition Practitioner based in New York.

Originally from Nova Scotia, Canada, my own health issues inspired my passion for holistic health and wellness. I'm dedicated to helping others heal and thrive.

I offer personalized one-on-one sessions to empower individuals to make informed choices about their well-being. By considering unique needs, goals, and challenges, I create tailored nutrition plans that incorporate whole foods, mindful eating, and natural remedies.

My approach extends beyond dieting, encompassing stress management, physical activity, sleep, and emotional balance. With comprehensive support, I aim to facilitate lasting lifestyle transformations that enhance overall health and happiness.

Certified from the Academy of Healing Nutrition, I'm well-versed in various nutritional approaches, addressing concerns like digestion, hormones, weight, and immune support.  

If you’re interested in connecting, email me at taylorwellsnutrition@gmail.com.

I offer a sliding scale and am happy to work within your means.